Is there LTE Internet Only as prepaid at Telekom?


I'm desperate a bit or was told on the T. Hotline that I should first deal with the technology and then report back, then you can make a contract.
I thought it was a bit cheeky, because if I want to buy a closet, Ikea doesn't send me into the forest and say first learn something about trees. Maybe someone here knows about the tariffs and apparently very important techniques and options without sending me straight to the plastic factory so that I understand how SIM cards are made.

So the initial situation, I need Internet in a building extremely sporadically. Fixed connection is not worth it because I don't want to pay all the time if I'm not there for weeks.

Idea, LTE (mast in sight) and prepaid sim. Router I looked teltonika rut240 Brach ne mini sim, has lan connection and wlan on it is super small, antennas removable (need outside antennas) exactly what I'm looking for.

Now the sim is missing.
O2 has an offer 365 days 30GB sim, for laptop pc or mobile router. Should work, right?

My real question that triggered the whole thing is: is there something comparable at Telekom?
So a prepaid sim first of all, no matter how long the term and volume. The LTE network is unfortunately a bit better there.

I always only find mobile phone offers and, according to the employees, only for their routers and only with a contract. I can't imagine that there's nothing like O2 at Telekom. LTE only or something. Since I do not think that he was interested in helping me because of the statement that I should deal with the technology first and that he no longer knows himself, I ask everyone here if anyone knows anything.


Maybe this would be something for you:


Thanks, I have already looked at myself, but unfortunately too expensive in relation to the use of 240 euro a year…


The O2 story is already perfect, only Telekom has a better network at this point of view… As I said, smaller packages, for example 5GB 30 days, etc. Are enough for me… Then you only load in the months you are there… Only I get more learning assignments than Product information when I ask T. Direkt


We can certainly offer something similar.

With our tariff, you get a SIM card once and can then choose between several possible data volume options, depending on your needs.

Alternatively, our could be exactly what you are looking for. Especially if you need a large amount of data for a short period of time.


In the case of prepaid, there are several providers in the Telekom network who offer annual tickets with a fixed data volume. See:


This is exactly what I was looking for and can I plug the SIM into an LTE router without any problems?

I just wonder why they didn't just tell me that… He only told me from 50 euro a month and only with my own router, the telecom site was not available yesterday in the area why I even went into this chat.

o2 today was even better: at least 30 minutes after the call was always canceled: we're not trained for information on prepaid tariffs, this is only possible online. My argument that I can only chat when I identify myself as a customer (I'm not) then literally came up: what do you think the low prices come about, then you have to ask the question in the forum.
Class! Any idiot can answer that.

I notice that there's a big gap in the market in mobile communications and telecommunications… Customer service or general service… O2 only offers existing customers, since you are apparently happy with those you have and do not need new ones, Telekom is not in the mood for advice first deal with the technology themselves and then they just type in the data… (although I have to say that you chat with real people because you would never program the answer into a bot) At O2, as a non-customer, you don't even get to the bot To ask a question that he can answer or to forward to an employee who could

Unfortunately I really have to say, vodafone has a page that is reachable and so informative that I don't even have to ask any further questions. Unfortunately no useful conditions for my application…


Thanks alot.

thinks it's just sad that you first have to switch to external sites / forums for such answers and information… Maybe everyone is clipping because of Corona.

I'll get a card from both and who will have the better reception will then show or prevail


Corona definitely plays a role, as it simply leads to a higher number of calls on the hotlines at times.
In addition, our website was serviced on Sunday.

To your counter question: Yes, you can use the SIM card of the data prepaid tariff in an LTE router of your choice. The other alternative mentioned - our Speedbox - has its own SIM card, which is requested when booking.

You can tell us what you decided in the end or what worked best for you.


I've dealt extensively with the topic in the last few days. Is an isolated case so I think that nobody cares anyway but apparently the Telekom reads here.

Telekom actually has the best offer, but the worst network in 48329. In the building I don't even have a network, in the parking lot I have 4G with 2.6mbps and 1.3 in the upload. And I'm in an industrial area 600m in sight, there's a huge mast with O2 and Vodafone on it. Telekom only has one location and that is on the completely other side. If you look at everything at cellmapper where which antenna is sending, you can see that it doesn't work. The covering of the cells also finally explains why there's no reception in the "neighboring town" and the streets in between. Lies exactly in line with me. In the meantime, two large residential areas and an industrial area have also been created. So slowly you should get active. I already got to know the dead zones on the bus on the way to school 15 years ago, but when you now see graphically why this is so, I really wonder why you don't change it.

Alditalk / Eplus / o2 has become.

Also not my desired solution, max 10gb packages and only 20mbps although the antennas almost cast a shadow on my property (at alditalk this is deliberate with the limitation) O2 direct unfortunately no usable tariff and vodafone simply outrageously expensive or no daily flat rate or comparable.

So dear Telekom, next year the third new residential area will be built in the sector and one somewhere else, at some point something has to happen in terms of coverage. Apparently, one location is no longer sufficient. The competition has two and there are still hanging points free ;-)


In addition to the billions in investments, we also have partnerships with other network operators. So there's a good chance that something will actually change in your current reception situation.