How do we get internet access?


So far my wife and I have only one landline phone from Telekom (Call Plus Standard, approx. 18 euro per month) and cable television from Vodafone (all free digital channels & HD channels for about 8 euro per month) at home (rental apartment in the apartment building)). Internet has so far been sufficient for us via an Internet stick from O2 for the notebook for a flat rate of 15 euro per month with limited data volume (i.e. Prepaid). We also have a smartphone, which we have only used to make phone calls (prepaid card from O2). There's no internet access on it.

Now all of this is no longer enough for us. I now have to run my home office, which has never been the case in my industry.

We would now like to have tips.

First of all, reliable internet would be important to us. But we're not familiar with the new technical conditions etc.

Which provider would make sense in our situation? Which "package" maybe? Do we need a router, a modem etc?

By the way, we know that there's already internet access in the apartment building. It would then only have to be activated for us.


Vodafone Internet via cable would make sense, the connection is there.


Internet via Kabeltv so Vodafone offers the better price / performance ratio.

Since this is available there, DSL will probably not be expanded. So Telekom can probably only offer a copper network.

Enter your address at check24 and compare the DSL offers.

Telephony is also possible via the internet connection.

You get a router from the provider. Either for rent, as a purchase device or as a loan device during the contract period.

You may need a multimedia socket instead of the current tv socket. So it is best to commission the installation on the part of technicians.


Thank you for your detailed description.

I'll make it short and sweet, if you'd like, check out what we can offer you. A landline connection already exists. Then we just have to make a product change.

If you are interested, please send me your data via our, I will then contact you.