Connect acoustic guitar to laptop?


I want to record my askustic guitar (with pickup) on the laptop. I bought the "t.bone USB 1G, jack-to-USB adapter, integrated A / D converter". I played Audacity on the computer and connected the guitar to a USB port. Contrary to the seller's assertion, recording doesn't work at all.

What am I doing wrong? Do I have to consider other things?


Bring the device back!

A guitar cable with 6.3mm (mono) jack plug on one side and a 3.5mm jack plug on the other side.

What's so bad about a microphone? You can either connect this directly to the 3.5mm input socket on the computer. This is the simplest, not yet the best solution.

If you only want to take off the guitar, buy an interface from Steinberg, either the UR12 or the UR22, to which you can also connect a microphone.


Okay may not be optimal, but somehow at least something should arrive on the computer.
The connection is jack to USB.


To digitize the guitar signal, you need an interface or mixer. Just try it with a guitar cable, 6.3mm jack to 3.5mm jack.