Why do my friends tell me WHAT TO DO?



I (M13) am annoyed because my friends are constantly imitating me. E.g. I got a laptop for my birthday. I had been saving on it for a long time, and it was just mega expensive and everything, and then I paid half the price, and my parents paid the other half. I told my friends this: What happens? One friend simply arrives a month later with a similar laptop and said that he had already received it as a Christmas present. It was actually still a few months until Christmas, but ok. Then he just asked me what kind of office programs I had and other things. I just told him all of this because I didn't want to be rude, but it just annoys me that he wants to have everything right away with me.

2nd story:

Now another story: After buying a laptop, I bought a glowing keyboard six months later, because it was suggested to me online and I thought it was really cool that it glowed like that, etc. I then ordered it and Then 2 weeks later, another friend also buys a lighted keyboard and he just wants to get a second screen because I have one too (mine is from bulky waste)

What bothers me:

It just annoys me that they imitate everything and always have to have the same thing as me and that upsets me, and assuming I was riding a bike somewhere alone and someone saw me by chance, then my friends want to go with me drive. I like to ride my bike with them. But they always want the same thing as me. It's always like that now when I buy something new or something. They felt that 3 days later too.

Actual question haha:

Have you already been in such a situation and has it gone away or is it normal? Or do they do it subconsciously?


You can confront them all or just end the friendship


What exactly is your problem? Your friends see cool things in you and want them too. Be glad, they are just a little jealous of your things.

Laptop, LED keyboard and two screens are nothing particularly individual. "Imitating" is an exaggeration here.


It's nice that your friends value you so much that they take you as a role model. We used to wear the same clothes even among friends and we thought it was great, it just shows the solidarity as a group.

It is also completely normal to develop an interest in what you see in others. That's how advertising works.


Those were just a few examples. That's always when I have it, you need it IMMEDIATELY


Well then…


So what? When I see what I like, I want it too. I'm 26 and I'll buy it myself. What exactly is it that bothers you?


Be happy. They may see you. As a trendsetter (nowadays people tend to say "cool").


Huh, feel honored that you are a role model for them and don't cry about such nonsense. In life there are always people who dominate and then there are people who just follow the flow because the dominant person pretends. You should hope that you will stay in this position for life as it will help you achieve success

