GTA Online - GTA Client hacked (How only)?


I've been annoyed about it for 6 hours now because a bad Pi? He's modded, godmoded, and hacked.

I still can't believe how it is even possible that a player who I can no longer join in GTA Online can do.

Check for errors via steam, restart your PC, delete the social club folder, clear the cache, nothing worked!

After 6 hours of trying around, I had to delete the entire game and download the 90 GB again over the Internet and only then did it work again!

Otherwise I kept getting this error message which I was able to fix by reinstalling:

GTA Online - GTA Client hacked How only

The modder has bleated that he imputed cheats to me and has now reported me to Rockstar and now my account is banned. In truth, he played something on my hard drive that gave me this message every time I tried to join the online mode and told me that I tried everything. Only a complete reinstallation helped against this problem!

I think it's just so disgusting, after all, it was now 3 hours of waiting until the download was finally finished. And since I work professionally, the little free time I have is particularly valuable.

How did this pi? Did he just install something permanently in my game that prevented entering the online mode?

Because on my notebook after the attack and after he verbally finished me with ban threats etc. The game still works. Only on my tower PC where the whole thing happened, he damaged my game files so that even the Steam troubleshooting couldn't find the error. But it existed in the GTA directory because otherwise I wouldn't be able to log into GTA Online with the laptop.

What do you call what he did to me?


He didn't do it at all the servers had once again shown their great performance just by chance


It wasn't a coincidence. Or how should I still be able to connect to the laptop in GTA Online while the GTA on my tower PC only shows this error message and that is the second time someone threatens me and then suddenly such things happen. After all, before I flew out of GTA, there was a warning that rockstar games suspected me and I couldn't read any further because then the message (see screen shot) came.


I don't know gta is programmed completely weird but a hacker can't do that


What was that then? He definitely wanted to persuade me that a ban would now be rock star because he said with great self-confidence "you can say goodbye to your account" and then he played something to me to make it look like you were were excluded because you can no longer join online.


He just babbles it's just n standard gta errors


But why does "this standard gta error" only happen when hated opponents already tell you that your account is blocked and something like that happens.


Write to support next time


They will also only tell you yes gta servers are broke or yo have to wait


Waiting didn't work, I ended up having to completely reinstall the game because it played something in the GTA directory for me, which suppressed the connection with the online mode. After all, he promised me that I would be banned by the bug that I made with the Lester Heist Teleport in order not to let him farm me as a GOdmode user with mods.

Or why should I not be able to aim at an Opressor MK2 when I have selected the guided missiles in Stromberg and the Noobbike only has flares that can at most deflect the missiles but can't suppress the aiming!

It still worked on my laptop even if it didn't work on my tower PC. From this it can be concluded that it has something to do with my GTA client on the respective computer because although my laptop is old and still has an HDD, it worked there to connect to online mode.

That wasn't the first time either, but I don't find any results in GOogle when it comes to someone using mods to damage their game directory so that they have to reinstall the game, is it new or is it just rare and how is it done? Can one protect oneself against it somehow e.g. With NordVPN or something? Because I have good anti-virus protection on both computers called "ESET".


I can tell you that nobody can play anything about gta on your pc or what can change for you and that that was really just n gta problem and the reinstallation didn't bring anything what was the name of the player and n virus protection is also not that best they don't recognize that much either


His name is: "TSM_Pablo", he spammed me with schadenfreude that I would soon be banned and then played something on the hard drive in truth to make it look so similar, which prevented me (on this computer) with the Online mode could connect.

Which, however, still worked on my laptop afterwards. Which was still switched off at that time and because I switched it on later to check whether this was really a server problem or whether it had played something on my computer. And although it worked on the laptop, it still didn't work on the tower PC.


Yes, but as long as you haven't given him access via anydesk teamveiwer or something or you've downloaded iwas, he can't do anything on your pc


Uiuiui most helpful commi after 4 days.


He only reacts after half a week and then only links you to the Rockstar support page with ready-made "solutions" that can be interpreted in every problem.


What do you mean