What are the legal consequences in the event of an undecided false testimony and simultaneous theft of identity in court?


Maybe someone can help me.

I was recently summoned by a court as a witness. I had seen how a young man felled a tree in the garden and had placed the individual parts of the tree with a gripper arm in such a way that we could not close the garden gate for over a month.

The order to fell came from our landlady, who has been trying to throw us out of the apartment for years. The suspicion was that she had also given the order to have the individual parts placed in such a way that we were prevented from closing the gate, there would have been enough space to place the parts differently. The gate was approved by our landlady at the time and paid for and installed by us. Our lawyer had then brought a lawsuit because we could no longer let the dog into the garden due to the circumstances, and he found it to be impaired. Even the dog and his free run in the garden were approved and approved at the time, which was, so to speak, the prerequisite for renting at all. In front of the court, the accused landlady testified that the felling and collection was carried out by two different people and that over a month she had not found anyone who had picked up the felled tree earlier. But I had noticed that the same person picked up and dropped off and by coincidence I was able to identify him as xy via facebook. Our lawyer then invited xy and me to the same court date as a witness. Although the alleged xy was wearing an ffp2 mask, it was clear to me even before the negotiations began that this is not this person xy who worked in our garden and not the person I had identified as xy. (the young gentleman was about 10 years younger than the real xy) after the questioning of the xy it was my turn to make my statement. I was very insecure about my memory and had to say in court that I was wrong in the case because the supposed xy was really not the person who had picked up the wood a month later. Back at home then turned on the laptop again, continued research and lo and behold: the witness who testified was a completely different person (unfortunately I could not determine his identity). At the appointment at xy, the other side had invited a witness who should underpin and confirm their theory. (a neighbor who is good friends with the landlady).

the plaintiff is my mother with whom I sometimes live.

Now the question is, how serious is this passing away? What can I do? And what would happen to the two witnesses if I could prove the fraud or do I have to provide evidence when reporting to the public prosecutor? Legal fraud, false insults, identity theft? (we did not have to identify ourselves)


Please contact your lawyer about this.


Sorry, but your unstructured writing without paragraphs and without upper and lower case is an imposition.


Right. I'm sorry!


Go to your lawyer, he should file a criminal complaint.