Laptop fan rattles only for certain game?


When I start the game "World of Tanks" on my laptop, a weird rattling comes on, I suppose of the fan that cools the video card.

However, when I play another game where the fans also turn up (eg GTA), this chattering does not come.

So it can't really be due to the fans?
Is that bad or dangerous when something is rattling (at World of Tanks)?


Is probably. At the game?


Maybe the cooler runs a bit slower in this game and the cooler sits loose and then wobbles.


But what makes the game that the fan rattles? And even more peculiar: GTA 5 runs better with the maximum settings than with lower graphics settings…


No, they turn up the same amount everywhere


As far as I know, the fans automatically shut down when no high power is needed. Unless this rule was changed in the BIOS.


I only talk when there's a game going on


Very funny, go better times to a professional


With a 5 year old "Gamer Notebook"? No thanks.

Fan rattles? Ed Edge32
Laptop hard drive (HDD) defect? ri riseefficacious
Laptop fan rattling? he hendrixanger