How do I formulate the research question of my thesis?


I'm so exhausted and just don't know what to do next.

I'm currently writing my master's thesis or am in the process of narrowing down my topic. I also had a conversation with my examiner and he only confused me a lot more. I've been looking for opportunities for weeks, but I just have no idea what to focus on and, above all, how to proceed.

My main topic is "Tourism Marketing Effects from the Corona Crisis". The topic is so complex and also so topical that there's hardly / no literature on the subject so far. Just an empirical investigation is not enough for my examiner. He attaches great importance to a conceptual theoretical framework of previous marketing models / theories / concepts that I should then somehow apply to Corona. I just have no idea how to do it because I just find it difficult to apply the current situation to a theoretical model. I have to hand in my first outline next week and I just have no idea.

I sit in front of the laptop all day and don't get any smarter and could only cry. Another conversation with my examiner would not get me any further.

Maybe someone here is familiar with the topic, has any tips or food for thought?

I'm so grateful for every little tip. Sorry for the whining.


If you find it difficult to mute, then sometimes you just have to complain!

Make yourself a mind map and write down everything you can think of about your topic over the next few days. Just anything, no matter how stupid it sounds, without censoring or criticizing you (that inhibits creativity). After a few days (you don't have many) you look at the most important lines for the work.

Then I would also find it good to familiarize you with the basic structure of a master's thesis and write it down for you. (Now you already have 2nd approaches).

And as 3rd on the content:

Tourism marketing models / theories / concepts: Which ones are you familiar with / do you know? (You can start writing there)
Corona crisis: How has the CK affected tourism (regional / national / Europe-wide / international) so far?
(Connection of 1. And 2): My formulation: How useful / helpful / suitable are the models from 1 to the crisis in 2
In your opinion, how should the models be expanded / changed / adapted so that they can also be used in crisis situations?