Accident school property damaged, now what?


My school lent me a laptop at the beginning of this school year because we need it for many tasks at home and I have no way of using one privately.

But now an accident has happened to me. I got stuck on the charging cable and the laptop fell off the table. Now something has broken away at the point where the cable should be plugged in and as it currently looks it is no longer charging.

What should I do now and what are the consequences for me?

If it matters, I'm 17


Your parents will surely have liability insurance.

So call them today and explain the facts.


Ideally, the insurance pays. Talk to your parents and report the damage. Something like that can happen.


Report to liability insurance. Report to school…


Oke, I will do thanks


Report to the school and the liability insurance that your parents hopefully have, if not, you will probably have to pay for the repairs out of your own pocket.

There's sure to be a loan agreement, there's certainly something in it in the event of a claim.