Star Stable online does not work anymore?

- in Lenovo

I've got a storm-free booth this weekend and really wanted to gamble on Star Stable Online (SSO), but yesterday I just could not get into the game. It has constantly thrown me out and nothing worked (although I strangely had a 2 hour update?). I just decided to reinstall the game, but then everything went wrong:

1) ETERNAL update (3h or so)

2) forever long loading screen when logging in

3) when I was FINALLY in the game, the whole game / image has simply been moved to the upper left corner (picture follows so you can understand it) … I can only use the chat, move and log out - that's it! What's this?

The mouse can only move in the upper half of the screen and it's really awful. Of course, it still does not work despite several downloads of the game.

I really do not understand what's going on, two days ago, everything worked fine. I've already contacted support, but it usually takes half an eternity before they get in touch.

Did any of you already have such a problem or can someone help me?

Thank you so much!

PS: I'm currently on a laptop (Lenovo brand); if that could matter


Then change the screen resolution in the game under "Options"?


If there's a folder of this game somewhere under Documents, delete it.
Well possible that the options are there and they are vermurkst.


Thanks A LOT!


I'M GOING OUT OF IT! For me, it's already since the penultimate update, so when the rainbow festival came out. I have sso reinstalled several times, because it did not work even after rebooting the server of sso… So sometimes I would really like to throw my pc in the corner, because it just so upset me!


Yes I'm the same… But with the options and the screen resolution worked fine, try it!