Finder can keep it or theft?

- in Macbook

On my way home today I found a bag on a seat in the subway. Since I was the only one in the department and nobody was there, I took the bag with me to take a closer look. When I got home and opened the bag, I saw a macbook inside that looked like the 2018 model. Since I found bag I decided to keep the laptop but is not it theft? Because theft would be if I had secretly stolen the laptop from him.


This is an embezzlement in the sense of the paragraph 256 StGB

Give everything beautifully in the lost property office.

Sometimes on the edge:

You can't do anything with the MacBook anyway, as it's certainly locked.


This is called Fundunterschlagung and is just as forbidden as theft especially on the stupid notebook probably for the owner depends more than the actual value but also files stored on it, etc.


Keep only you can do things under 10 Euro value. That hardly comes here.

So calls itself, simply as already mentioned, lost funds. And since the things are usually registered, the evil can go out.

Oh yes, if you found that on the train, then there's not even a finder's reward, the train has its own rules. But there you can possibly be creative…


246 of course