SD card breaks or tears?

- in Macbook

Since I can't find anything like that in the internet forums, I hope someone here can help me!
It has happened to me for the third time that my SD card breaks.
I have them and adapters in my laptop (MacBook Air). At some point when starting, the message appears that the SD card can no longer be read. When I take it out, it's quite hot and has a crack across the width.
How can this happen?

SD card breaks or tears SD card breaks or tears - 1 SD card breaks or tears - 2

Have you ever tried a different adapter card? If so, then the Mac Book's card reader has a problem. In that case, you should use an external reader.


How long is it in there and how often and how much data do you put on the rum?


What can you say?
Chip-based data carriers are super sensitive - MicroSD in particular.

But I have to agree with Lorgar:
If this is always the same adapter, then you should use a different one or even better use normal SD cards.

MicroSD are also not very suitable for exchanging data - precisely because they are tiny and fragile.


Not much just Word documents and a few picture files for kindergarten.


Yes, I did after it happened a second time, now I have the new adapter and it happened again.


I only have the card to expand storage space and because the documents on it have to stay in kindergarten. So do you think a normal SD card would be better?


Normal SD cards are not that filigree - in so far as: Yes, if some device does not require the mini SD card, that would be a possibility.
In general, I would prefer a good USB stick to SD cards in terms of robustness. For example the from Corsair.

But: The experience and the questions here on this platform show that memory cards and USB sticks are not necessarily the most reliable storage media.

SSDs are clearly, significantly better - although they in turn have to be regularly supplied with power.
"Regularly" in the sense of at least every 1-2 years, so that the data is secure. So something I would forget in my cardboard noses. Of course, this is not a problem in continuous operation.

HDDs do not need this - but they are much more susceptible to vibrations and movement.

It is always a matter of weighing up which medium you use - and it is always wise to have backups. 😉


If I understand your question correctly, do you have the mini SD in the cell phone as "memory"?

For this I got a USB stick with 32 GB from Mediamarkt (to save important things safely).

One side USB 3- the other side USB. In addition a USB to micro USB adapter.

Both together 19.90 euro…

And with it I can (except Apple) transfer and save data, films and pictures directly from all cell phones / tablets without having to go to the PC every time. And at some point the data goes to a storage medium for backup.

The advantage here is - the sensitive microcard remains permanently in the device…