Relationship between 12 year olds and 14 year olds prohibited?


I'm a boy and 14 years old who lives in a home in Baden-Württemberg. I fell in love with a 12 year old girl from my home about 2 months ago and she asked me on April 12th, 2021 if I wanted to be with her and I said yes. But since the educators have known, they think that it is an illegal relationship, because according to the JuSchuG she is still classified as a child and I as a teenager. In addition, my educators said that according to the JuSchuG it is forbidden if a "child" and a young person are in a relationship. I read through the entire JuSchuG ( but nowhere was it stated that a relationship between a "child" and a young person was is forbidden. Are there any legal regulations stating that it is allowed or prohibited? And what is your opinion rather:


thank you for your help

PS: I'm terrified of losing it, and it's actually not typical for boys my age, but I'm also sitting in front of the laptop shivering and with tears in my eyes, because I only think about my bad past, which is why I'm in the home, and I get even more tears again when I have to think about how I could lose my girlfriend and the home only makes my life worse


Nobody forbids you to be friends or "together" with a girl. Only sexual contact is prohibited and will be punished. That doesn't mean that you can't hold hands or kiss each other. Enjoy the first love. It is a great feeling.

Supplement: If your educators pull themselves up on the word "relationship", then just call it "friendship". Being friends is never forbidden


The relationship is not forbidden - intimate acts are. And if your home manager continues to forbid contact, you should wait until she's 13. At this age everything looks different.


So I can imagine why your educators explained this to you, but it is definitely not correct.

A relationship in itself is not forbidden.

What is forbidden are contacts of a sexual nature, i.e. Everything that goes beyond holding hands. And the educators have to prevent that as much as possible, otherwise they could get into really bad trouble themselves


A relationship is never forbidden. Only sexual acts, which include French kissing and petting, are prohibited if one person is under 14 and the other is at least 14 years old. So you'd have to wait until she's 14, if the relationship lasts that long at all.