Krita images do not save?


When I have painted a picture in Krita (drawing program) on my Windows 10 laptop, and I want to save it, this field always comes and the picture is lost. Can you help me please?

Thanks in advance

Krita images do not save

Maybe you have a trial software, where not everything is available.




The message looks like the program wants to save your image as "Manga-JpTemplate.kra". This is firstly a template (which you probably do not want to overwrite) and secondly, this file is in the program folder, where you have no write permissions.

Try using "save as…" to save the image under a different name on the desktop.


As Shavit86 said: wrong folder!

Specify a different folder with "Save as" (own files) and save there. If you know how to create a folder, create a new folder and put your pictures there.

Since I do not know the drawing program, I can't tell you exactly where, but in general under Options, a storage folder can firmly deposit, which is then suggested to you each time when saving.