Krita drawings are inaccurate?


I actually wanted to draw on my graphics tablet when I noticed that my pen is inaccurate and sometimes does not draw…

If I Make a sketch, the drawing is not immediately but every stroke is made only appears on the laptop when 1-3 seconds have passed, when I make light drawings often comes also nothing…

If I press more strongly my pen makes a strange circle and selects the pen menu, if I want to resize the pen makes such a circle again and then comes a line I which I can write the desired size, earlier I could also with the bar push the pen back and forth…

If the info helps I reset my laptop, the program I use is called Krita…


If the strokes are displayed too late, this is not critical. That is if then:

Your computer has a bad RAM it should all have at least 4 GB
Your computer is too old and your graphics tablet is too new or the other way around (which I doubt, though)

You can try to draw on other programs to compare it. Even if it's just paint.

Hope I could help


I had the same problem. Sometimes it took forever, until the program has updated the strokes and eventually makes it no fun anymore. I have a brand new tablet from last generation of XP-Pen and a solid laptop, with which I can play games on high settings. So I do not think that's what it's all about.

Krita always has a few problems, just because the software is open source and is always being edited.

I switched to Clip Studio Paint because I have no problems at all. Although the program usually costs around 50 euro (but can certainly be found somewhere as a crack), in the features and use Krita but honestly can't keep up.