Setup suggestions?


Hi, do you have some setup suggestions so what I might be missing or some suggestions what you can get?

What I have:

Yes laptop because I prefer one instead of a PC (also because it saves space)


2 music boxes as a speaker alternative


Mouse pad but not a big one just for mouse


and a few accessories like a controller corner (controller with the logo of the console)

What else I want to get:

Microphone (I would be happy to receive a suggestion here, you don't need a good one, the main thing is that you can hear everything well, so max. 70 80 euro)

Large mouse pad

144 HZ monitor because I only have 60hz on the laptop (help would be nice, it's worth it at all)

Keyboard when I get the monitor

Otherwise I would be happy about must-haves or simply decorations.


What have you installed in your laptop or does it even manage 144hz?


So I have a gaming laptop with a Geforce GTX 1650 intel core i5 from HP in any case I only want my screen on the monitor, not on both. I have no idea whether my laptop can do that, but if it is relevant: It manages 110-210 FPS in all games


An average of 144 FPS, so high end


When it comes to the microphone, it makes the most sense to get a USB mic. If you just want to talk to friends or make rough recordings, one is sufficient and, unlike an XLR microphone, does not need an interface or mixer.
If you have some money to spend, I recommend one of the following: (I own it myself - I'm very satisfied so far!)

All three have a stand with them, but you can also attach them to a microphone boom.
If you want it to be cheaper, you can do this here:

To the keyboard:

Personally, I've been using the Razer Ornata Chrome for around 80 euro for a year. Although this makes noises, it is not too loud. If you want to deal with the different switches, have a look here:

If you are just looking for purchase advice, have a look here


Thank you, maybe you know cheaper ones or is that a standard price for good mics? If so, thanks for the explanation!


If you want really good quality, that's a normal price. I used the Marantz Pod Pack 1 for two years and was completely satisfied with it. For 50 euro with the best you can get.
I added a link to my answer ;-)


Thank you for your great help because I found it really difficult to find a microphone because I don't know from what price what is good as well as with keyboards


Edit to my comment: Of course, microphones under the price range aren't bad. Often depends on the intended use…
In terms of the keyboard, I'll take a look around and then edit my answer.


Is added ;-)


Thanks a lot!