Setup improvement suggestions?

- in Gaming

Hi, I think that my setup could still need something in terms of decoration or something else, so you can give me suggestions

So I have:

A laptop (and before anything comes with a pc, it is actually just as good as an expensive gaming laptop)

2nd monitor

Extra screen for clock / pictures / gifs

Mousepad and mouse

(I don't really need a keyboard because I have one on my laptop and don't really have space)

Small plant

Leds behind the table

I would like B. Buy nanoleafs too, but they shouldn't be that expensive. If you know cheap ones, please recommend them to me.


A photo would be good


Yep; ^)


Vllt Led holograms (available cheaply on Amazon and different motifs) :)


I already have an origami on the wall in the middle and a picture with various manga drawings on the left ^^


I also use it, but I tend not to use it because the LEDs already illuminate enough, etc.


I have 4 pictures of the individual buttons on the PS controller on the wall and 2 RGB floodlights are always glowing in the background


From your setup you pear 😅


Asooo haha


So maybe it would be with acoustic foam or pop figures… Which is also really cool, for example a poster of your favorite game or something