Interpretation of chat talk?


A) Hey (B), my name is (A) and I know (C) and (D) about chat. I was recommended to write to you, because you seem to be very close to (D) and also know about me. I had a rather negative experience with the best friend of flirts I had. (C) but was very nice to me. I just wanted to clarify the situation, if you are with him and represent my point of view. He did not tell me about you, but that he also met other girls. We know each other about a Jurassic group called XY but I do not study law anymore so you do not have to worry about us being connected. I wish you a happy new year P.S. I threw heavy things at him last night without justification, but that's just my way of being negative. He does not have to take it so personally.

B) Hey (A), yes I'm (D) s girlfriend and I know about you too. Do you want to ask something that you write to me? Because I do not know exactly what is the goal of your message. I wish you a happy new year! * Best friend

A) I just wanted to clarify if he lies to me and check his chicks.

B) I'm not a chick 😅

Why do you need to check them out?

A) So I know what I'm getting into or not.

B) Or you check it off because you have low self-esteem

A) Can be but still I want to know what I'm dealing with

I had enough to do with players.

B) But you know from the beginning that (D) is a player ⚽️

A) Yes

B) So it was clear what will happen

A) And what would you recommend to me now? You know him longer.

B) I think you are so used to players, that it is normal for you if someone has no respect. Oh I do not know that your decision must be what you will do. If you will keep in touch with him then do it Do you have to ask yourself if this brings you something?

A) I also want to learn to deal with it as an adult.

B) And what are you learning from Players?

A) That one also comes through life as a complete idiot. And people I do not know.

B) No idea (A) for me the most important thing is mutual respect

A) It's not that bad. If he disrespects you, I'm sorry.

B) Nope me all right. I get respect and honesty. That's why I also know about you

A) Ok then it's one more reason that he treats me worse than his other chicks. Probably because I'm Asian

B) Again, I'm not his chick

A) That's how I always call the girls of someone without differentiation. What did he say about me?

B) "Who sells him Jura books and laptop"

A) Haha 😂

B) Yup we should make short stop in Berlin for the books from Poland

A) Okay Thanks for your help

How does the relationship between A and B work? How does the relationship B to D work? How does the relationship B to A work? Do you notice anything else?


Who are you?

If you are A) I would not get involved in D).

B) he treats only very well, because he does not play with her, but she is his Boyfriend or at least a very good friend.

But D) is A) does not matter. She is just another of many. A) is a bit stupid to fall back on a player 😅

A) B) seems to be something to look at as a friend you can trust. But B) reacts neutrally. It is clear. She would probably rather to D) hold. Therefore, she does not advise A) and therefore she does not care if A) is only fooled in the end.