Spotify without a mobile phone at home?


I use Spotify on a regular basis, but find it a bit annoying with the laptop or the mobile phone, because the second one is giving up the battery rather quickly, and a free-standing device with good speakers would be nicer.

Now I have googled a bit and found several internet radios that support Spotify, including the Amazon Echo line.

However, I would not like to have a device that actively "listens" (echoing) and simply does not need the rest of it. Therefore, an Internet radio would probably be the better option. How does it work? Do not I still have to open the app via mobile phone and transfer it there via Blue-Tooth?

Alternatively, of course, a docking station with integrated speakers would be quite cool, so that the phone is charged while running Spotify.

I hope that is not too messed up, oh and I would like to stay below the 100 euro price, more is a simple "boxing system" just not worth it.


If you already own a sound system - just integrate any device. Every Raspberry can Spotify


I currently have no sound system, as I said only the phone and the laptop