Installer in zip file?


I just wanted to download a program that I need to create a transcript (Transana). The installer should be in the ZIP file that I downloaded. However, when I open the ZIP file, I only see a page with cryptic characters. What is the problem? How can I open / find the installer.

My laptop has a Windows 10 operating system, if that is relevant.


Windows can rudimentary unpack archives.
It is better m. E. But to use a proper packing program.
It can e.g. B. Be that the file names are encrypted or the file is password protected.

I personally prefer The trial version runs for 40 days.
Strictly speaking, infinite - but after that you will get a registration request at the start.

Alternatively, you can also use
Is not quite my case after this program has already destroyed files for me, since it does not save any (emergency) recovery data, as it e.g. B. WinRAR can. But is not relevant for unpacking.


Many thanks for the help! Winrar worked wonderfully!