Everything that was deleted on my laptop?


I switched on my laptop after about 3 weeks and when I entered my password my background picture was suddenly gone and all pictures etc. Just deleted everything that was on it from the music folder, otherwise apps are there someone can help me I can't either press the windows symbol at the bottom left and look for something I need urgent help

Everything that was deleted on my laptop

Maybe. "deleted objects". You can restore everything there if he has forgotten.

I wish you success.

Protect the PC with a password in the future. And interrogate your parents.

Erase their PCs and remove the hard drive and throw them into a lake.

You are guaranteed to never touch your PC again afterwards.

They can't accuse you either. They destroyed your property beforehand.

May you apologize… With a brand new 17 inch laptop.

Something like that would make me soft.


If your hard drive is ok, someone has erased everything.

Under deleted objects you can maybe restore everything.


What about you