I'm just about to find a suitable apprenticeship.
I have a secondary school certificate and a VAB degree.
My question, which professions can I do with a secondary school certificate.
No handicrafts because I'm a nite.
My interests are technology to solve other mobile phone pc laptop problems.
I wanted to go to customs but the problem is the gun?! Can you do the training without a weapon?
Please also what would suit me
Serious answers only, please
Can you do the training without it?!
My interests are technology to solve other mobile phone pc laptop problems.
Search the internet for the employment agency's eBook: "Beruf Aktuell". There you can easily go to the technology category and have a look at all recognized occupations in this area. There you can also find which school leaving certificate most of the admitted applicants have.
Top 10 professions with a secondary school certificate
From 200 apprenticeships, we have selected those professions in which at least 400 apprentices start their apprenticeship every year, which do not legally require a school leaving certificate and for which significantly more applicants with a secondary school certificate than with other qualifications have been hired in recent years.
For all professions in the top 10, at least 2 out of 3 apprentices had a secondary school diploma.
Look here:
or here:
These are jobs that I don't like or have already tried
Since you only have a secondary school leaving certificate, your choice is no longer very large.
You have to make compromises on your own to get anything at all.
Most of the jobs I'm not allowed to do are forbidden by the doctor
Then you should go to the job center and get something mediated according to your wishes.
There's career advice from the employment office. Or a training fair in the next bigger city. Here you have a little insight into professions. And an internship always looks good.
The apprenticeship positions for 2021 are almost all gone (there are always remaining positions). Usually it is common to apply 1 year in advance. Take a look around, because in this job you will be allowed to work for 40 years later.