Sister only watches Netflix all day?


My sister (16) created a Netflix account about two months ago. Meanwhile, almost all of their day is just watching Netflix series. She always lies in bed with her laptop and eats a lot of chocolate, chips, pudding, etc. According to her statement, she has gained almost four kilos within the last few weeks, which sounds very unhealthy, especially with regard to the short time span. The crooked attitude on the laptop in bed is certainly not exactly comfortable and good for the neck and spine. This is certainly not good for the eyes either.

Apart from the physical deterioration, she also has deficits in social behavior and within the family. She takes less responsibility and makes her household duties grindy or passes them on to other family members, has less motivation, and sometimes it seems to me that she is fleeing into her own world of series and great characters to put an end to everyday life, Recently, we did not have an internet connection due to a router failure, and in my opinion it was almost aggressive during the outage, as it no longer had access to the site.

There's also a dispute over the monthly costs incurred. She books the money through the account of our parents, which they do not find in order. She did not ask for it the first time and got a lot of trouble. But since she wants to save money herself, preferably for fashion items and shoes, she falls back on the account of the parents. In her opinion, she is "poor" and the parents "swimming in the money", and therefore it is logical that they do not have to pay the costs with their own funds.

My questions to you are:

How can I help my sister get away from the screen and have time for hobbies, friends and family?
What would you do about the costs? Full payment of my sister, cost allocation or reimbursement of the parents? Or no Netflix more than consequence?
What would / are the risks if it continues to live this way over a longer period of time?


What's hard about that now?

Router password change, PayPal password change, ready.

Can she watch her finish?

The End! There's no further discussion about it.

If I had used my parents' account for a subscription without agreement, they would have made my hell so hot, you can't imagine that.


While she is sleeping. If you do it at all. Take the laptop and disappear somewhere at least one day she opens her eyes and a day without serial get out


I think you should keep out of this. It's her life, not yours. Netflix does not make you poor. That does not cost that much. Because of 8 euro a month no one will gnaw on the hunger towel. Every mobile phone cost of a teenager is higher.

She neglects her "household duties"? Well, that's a problem of the age. That makes as good as any teenager.

As I said, stay out of it. Your sister is your sister. You have to educate your parents, not the brother, the sister or anyone else.