Name and address on order confirmation wrong?


Me and my dad ordered a laptop from Cyberport that was not in stock or was not available. An order confirmation (as a piece of paper) came to it. But before the order confirmation, we had to tell the cashier, so that he logs us in as a customer and that we receive an SMS if the product is in stock. The number, address etc. Is also on the order confirmation on it. That's what my father did.

The problem: On the order confirmation only the first name of my father and the address of our apartment (but with the correct house number) was misspelled because the employee misunderstood it. On the order confirmation is however that the dispatch runs off by pickup.

Is it bad that the name and address of my father and our apartment was misspelled? Actually we pick up the laptop according to the order confirmation itself?


No. The main thing is there xD


If the SMS address is correct, the address has nothing more to say.