Bypass Fritzbox lock / child lock (change IP, MAC address no longer works)?


My name is Ben and I'm 15 years old (not my real name). German is not my mother tongue but I try to express the situation as best I can. Since I moved to Germany (when I was 12), my father has blocked the internet so that I only have 2-4 hours of internet a day. My father is very familiar with Fritzbox. I did a lot of research and tried 4 methods.

1. Change MAC address.
Changing the MAC address on the laptop works at the beginning. My father found out and created a whitelist. I then tried to find out the MAC address of other devices with unlimited internet (our family's Ipad and Iphone from my mother) It still doesn't work when I take the MAC address from my mother's Ipad or iPhone, but what I did recently I tried and it worked, is that I took a LAN cable (from my father) and then docked it to the Fritzbox router (probably that means it only works through Ethernet.) But I don't know if it still works because the router is in my father's computer room and I can only use this method when no one is at home. My father found this out and doesn't forbid me to do it again, otherwise I'll get punishment.
Brief summary: Changing the MAC address only works when my father is not at home and he easily notices it when I do it.
Change IP address:

IP address generally doesn't work because it crashes all the time. I also took the IP address from other devices, but apparently my father set an IP filter, so the connection has to be made manually. I do not know if it would also work if I plug in the Fritzbox router with a LAN cable. But it will be a long time before my parents are gone because of the pandemic.

3. Internet tethering on another device with unlimited internet.

That's the only method that works, but I don't have that many device options. I can't use my parents' cell phones because you always have them with you. The Ipad has no mobile data, so tethering does not work. Maybe there are alternative apps for tethering? I haven't found one yet.

4. To negotiate with my parents.

I tried not only once, but several times to persuade my father to give me Interzeit at least longer. Despite the good performance at school and in sports, he did not give me any longer internet time. There were also arguments twice and argued a lot, but in the end it didn't work.
P.S: I have already asked my father why he set the inter-limit, his answer was "playing too much / sitting at the computer is not good." I was small back then so I could understand it, but now I'm mature enough not to be addicted to the computer.


It's nice that you wrote such a long text, but what was the question again?


If the Internet is so important to you… Go to work… You can do this at 15 and earn 100 euro a month.

You will then receive an unlined prepaid flat rate that you can pay from it.


"Bypass Fritzbox lock / child lock (change IP, MAC address no longer works)?"


Yes, I still work as a newspaper deliverer and earn 90-110 euro a month.


Who pays will determine… And very few can determine for themselves whether they are addicted


Then treat yourself! Then you are no longer dependent on your parents' internet.


Okay, you're right. Nor can I be 100% certain that I will become addicted to computer games. But school is still my top priority, so if something goes wrong, I'll definitely do something about it. My parents would probably upset my grades as well.


Ok thank you very much, I will then research how to make such a contract.


Unfortunately, only the conversation helps… If your father sees that you are mature enough to decide, he will allow you more…


You can only use the Mac address from another device if this device is not in the WLAN.