Will there be problems with the order? (Edustore)?


I have a laptop on edustore on Thursday. At first, I need one for the school. This site is mainly for students and students which is perfect for me. So I registered with my school email address there, and I was activated immediately.

The account goes in my name. However, I typed my mother's name with my mother at the delivery and billing address because she is often at home and can accept the package directly. In addition, the money is debited from their account, so the billing address is also in their name.

We ordered the laptop the same day (from my mother's account, as I can't deduct more than 400 euro per week from my account, a part my dad, a part of my mother and a part pay me) and it came directly an automatically generated invoice etc. On my email. The order was placed on Thursday evening and the delivery time is 1-3 working days so the laptop should arrive by Wednesday at the latest.

Now to my own question: Can it be that there will be problems because the name of the account and the delivery and billing address are not identical? Is it possible that they do not deliver the laptop because of this?

That's why I'm shaking my head all day, so thanks for any helpful answer!


No, that should not be a problem. There's, for example, also the possibility to send something as a gift, then the person to whom the gift goes, of course, does not get the bill.

In addition one can suspect with the names yes at least a relative relationship.

So the shipment will not fail.


Okay thanks!