Facebook virus (ivm chromium)?


My girlfriend pointed out to me today that I have tagged her and some other friends on a Facebook post I should have shared on my own wall. It was about any discount promotions. Have been able to observe this phenomenon more often with other people on Facebook, but I have been spared until now.

I immediately deleted the post and changed my Facebook password. When I looked at the security options of Facebook which devices are currently logged in with my account, was next to my phone also a PC from Neukirchen logged. I then unsubscribed from my mobile phone.

On the Internet, I then made smart, why this could be and often viruses were named as a reason. From that moment on it has made "click" for me. I have a browser on the laptop called "Chromium" for a while. At first I never thought of anything. I tried to uninstall it from time to time and noticed that every time I restarted the laptop it was back on top. I'm hoping to finally get rid of him with the help of a tutorial.

Long story short, the Facebook virus can hang with "Chromium" together and now I have to fear even more after the Facebook virus?

I'm grateful for any reply.


It may well be that the browser has saved all your password input and sent it to strangers.

It's best to change all your passwords