Have a question that I've been interested in for a few days and is it about Facebook?


Can you somehow avoid that Facebook knows everything about me?

I came up with the idea that you could log in to Facebook using a Tor browser or a VPN, but right from the start. Create a new Fb -acc via a VPN and then log in via the Tor browser, so Facebook can't recognize me and are unable to spam me with any advertising for 2 weeks just because I once looked for a new laptop or something,

So it would be possible to be completely anonymous on Facebook, it's a question that makes me very curious, but unfortunately I can't find an exact answer to it.

Do cookies etc. Also play a role?


The easiest way, which unfortunately comes to mind only a few, would simply not be to use Facebook and to delete its account. I no longer know anyone from my area who is still represented there.


You can't really be on the Internet without leaving a trace.

Facebook in particular, where WhatsApp and Instagram now belong, is not known for anonymity.

You just have to see what you want to post and what you don't. The Internet never forgets no matter how you do it.

Google Drive is also not suitable for saving photos. I found my pictures online again. I never uploaded them. I immediately blocked the app.