How can you describe the profession of a paralegal job (training fair / school)?


For the training fair in our school, we got a group work in the field of project competence. The task: to plan a workshop for the profession of paralegal. It should be an interactive station for visitors to get to know the profession of a paralegal better. The duration of stay should be 3 to 5 minutes. The first thing we did in the group was to schedule a RA-Micro booth, but the teacher told us that something like that did not come in well last year because it was too boring. I would have thought maybe a powerpoint quiz to make. With questions about rights, the judiciary, the profession of paralegal. Visitors can answer these questions on the laptop. I know that the school offers laptops for the education fair. Would that be a good idea? Maybe you have other ideas? Write these in the comments!


Oh well…

I would rather start such a course through the jungle right… So in the sense, how would they decide and then how the legal situation really is.

So somehow set out 5 to 6 tricky facts. People love unbeatable tests, but they automatically get a glimpse of how much more complex something can be than what they thought.

The old Romans knew this with bread and the game keeps people happy at his stand.


And if you answered enough facts correctly you get a price. Like phone cases or something to eat.


Hajo the idea is really good! I just throw a few ideas into the room, you can modify, refine, lengthen or shorten the suggestions, etc. Even if none of them is workable or good, it can serve as the impetus for a better idea. I'll just start:

A justice quiz in which several teams can compete against each other and in which there's a little thing to win (something like your laptop quiz, only analog, group-based and competitive)
We once had an action in the school where real controversial cases were presented and the participants should decide by arguing how the judge in their opinion should decide and then there was the real judgment of the judge, was really fun
A contest who finds a particular paragraph first in the code and gets plus points, if one can say an example
Showing a small film to introduce the profession and questions can be answered (also possible as a start)
A list on which visitors should register which laws should exist or which should be abolished and one can choose
Ask visitors how they imagine the profession and then answer if the claim is correct or not
Logic games in which visitors are supposed to compose parts of paragraphs (memory principle)

Otherwise, just googling, there are countless ideas online, because everyone will find.


I do not know if you can but a small suggestion would be that you dress as the visitors. That means with a hoodie or pullover and jeans.

People in suits are not so popular. Dear donning so that feels the opposite. Best a person with a suit and one without.


Nööö it is enough a slogan on the Compi… As they have the perspective… So the classic Sönnchen distribute the primary school. All that makes prices, they are quite annoying… That's why a thumbs up or a crumpled face is sufficient, which, however, only at the very end and then even halfway laughing may occur, if every question was answered wrong…