High ping and packet loss?


Unfortunately, I'm not a great internet expert, so I hope that I will get an answer here.

I keep getting packets lost and a high ping on my laptop in the WLAN. This happens every 10-20 seconds. Unfortunately, this is absolutely annoying for computer games. For 10 seconds everything cuts perfectly and then the internet stops for a second.

I've already pinged various websites with PingPlotter (see picture).

High ping and packet loss

What you can see there's that Hop 2 probably has a higher ping than the other hops. But I have also created a ping test with a second laptop and Hop 2 has an increased ping there too. However, there are no Internet problems there.

I switched on a stream in the areas circled in red. I didn't use the internet outside of these areas. So when I use the internet I get a lot more high pings. What is also interesting is that almost every minute when the minute changes, the ping shoots up and packets are lost.

I did exactly the same test with my second laptop. There the ping does not go up and there are no packet losses.

Could it be that my WLAN card in the laptop is defective? I've already reinstalled the Wi-Fi driver and that didn't work.


What brand is your - I suspect - gaming laptop?

I can remember that there was once a problem with HP gaming laptops with their integrated Wi-Fi client. After doing a little more research, I was able to find similar hits to laptops from MSI and ASUS with the error description.

Apart from that, a connection via LAN cable is always preferable to connection via W-LAN.

Have you ever checked whether you also have the same problems when you connect the laptop via LAN?