Notebook to study income tax deductible?


I need a notebook to study. Can I submit the invoice with the income tax?


Basically you state everything where you can only see the slightest chance that it could be accepted


of course you submit it and apply it

because if it's not, they cross it out

so you put everything in


Clearly you can submit it.

But it only works if you also pay taxes.


If you pay income tax, of course!

However, not everything is taken into account, because you will assume that you will also use it privately.


Can I submit the invoice with the income tax?

And how much income tax do you pay?

Furthermore, what proportion of usage would be spent on studying?


Yes, depending on how expensive the notebook was, the costs are either taken into account in full in the year of abolition or spread over the typical useful life of 3 years.

But whether this affects you at all can depend, among other things, on whether:

your studio costs are to be considered as advertising costs or only as special?

and what other income do you have?