Letter or email?


Both have their advantages. In the case of e-mail, it is practically obvious because it is with the recipient within seconds. The disadvantage is also obvious. In addition to a good internet connection, you also need at least a smartphone, laptop or tablet. And unfortunately it is sometimes impersonal.

The advantage of the letter is that it is a very common information channel and has been for centuries. As a recipient / sender, you don't need any technical equipment to receive / send it. In a way, you can even associate a letter with romance. The disadvantage, of course, is that it needs at least one night to reach its destination.

Are you more of a fan of the email or letter?


You don't need a good internet connection to email.


The letter has the disadvantage that it is not encrypted and my mailbox has a key, but anyone with flat arms can take the letters out unnoticed and access the information before I even know about it.

email is not locked and also has its disadvantage, if someone from the 10000 branches tries to decrypt the ssl, then I get the information, but it could be falsified and the real content could also be tapped without my knowledge.


I regularly write letters abroad (USA, Australia, Portugal, France etc.) and think it's great. It's just a lot more personal, but I don't think email is bad either.


I don't see a single advantage in a letter. Nowadays everyone has electronic devices that can send e-mails. I just send letters to the few old people who don't have that, but otherwise it doesn't make any sense to me. Incidentally, it doesn't make sense for the environment either.


I'm really not sure if e-mail is a clean solution as far as the environment is concerned. The internet and receiving devices also need electricity.


Of course, you are right. But I still think it's better than a letter. And for various reasons my PC is usually on anyway when I'm at home. Then an e-mail does not consume additional power. Shouldn't be my main argument in favor of e-mail either, as I said, I just don't see any advantage in letters.


Email is of course a lot easier

You always have a copy

You don't need to print anything

Email can easily be shared with others


The disadvantage is also obvious. You also need a good internet connection

That's not true E-mail has been around for as long as the Internet itself, or more precisely - longer than the WWW

In fact, an email was the first to be transmitted over the Internet

And back then the internet was much, much, much slower.

Email is always transmitted - slower if necessary - but much faster than a letter

also at least a smartphone, laptop or tablet.

Why - also works with a PC

Meanwhile also with the car or some other devices

And unfortunately it is sometimes impersonal.

But that's because of how you design an email.

So don't look for anything else like a letter from the printer.

Handwritten could of course be a little better - e.g. Love letter - but only if the writing is beautiful and free of errors.


Then try emailing a car key.


We're talking about letters, not parcels. If you put a car key in an envelope and send it just like that, you are completely insane, sorry if I have to say that.