2.11 GHz instead of 1.6?


My sister bought a laptop in winter, and I just hear that the fan is only very loud while watching netflix…

The clock frequency of the processor is 1.6 GHz but the task manager states that 2.11 GHz are currently being used…

I thought that it might be overclocked, but somehow that can't get there either…


Many processors have a boost function. It may be that this is where the ad comes from.

Against loud fans, it usually helps to reduce the performance of the PC.

One of the simplest options is an FPS limitation, which is now partially included in the Graka software. Graka / Proz has to do less with the PC and it becomes less hot and less loud.


I join Asporc. The processor likes to clock a little faster when it has something to do.


OK thank you