Ebay Classifieds - paid money and no goods?


I bought a laptop on ebay classifieds and transferred 900 euro.
Since the seller was on pickup I would not have expected a scam. He wanted to send the article, but nothing came to this day. Money was transferred, however.

How do I get my money back?


Go to the police and make an ad.

However, you should first ask the seller to send the goods or to give an opinion.

Maybe the seller is ill, in the hospital, died, etc. Ev. Was the goods but also sent and stuck somewhere.

When was that?


In what form did you transfer? Hopefully via PayPal with Buyer Protection?!

Is the seller not answering? What does he say - did you get a tracking number? Maybe the problem lies with the delivery service.

You can report this issue through ebay Classifieds - but there's no guarantee that you will get the money back.

It was already warned 1.7 million times before warned about ebay classified ads without buyer protection and / or to foreign accounts larger amounts to transfer. The risk is great that you will never see your coal again.

I cross my fingers for you!


Have already written to the seller. No notification. Last Thursday


Congratulations, your money is gone.
Stamp it off as "apprenticeship". Old fraud mesh.

What you can do is notify the account holder.
But can also be a fake account, and thus there to do something, no chance. The likelihood that your money is now a fool is very high.

Give the UK a final deadline for the goods to be there by Saturday, then you'll go ahead next week.

What I do not understand is your statement "The UK was on pickup"… Why did not you pick it up then?


Too far away


If too far away, then no purchase. Rule # 1 on eBay Classifieds: NEVER via PayPal and NEVER by bank transfer.


You should definitely file a criminal complaint on suspicion of fraud!

The fact is:

Rip-offs are also always successful, because the victims are obviously not interested in prosecution.

Of the fraud victims put just 10% charge!

That means in 9 out of 10 cases, the cheater does not even have to worry about getting into trouble!


For one thing, there will be more and more rip-offs that will make money quickly earned out of the convenience of the injured!

On the other hand, these frauds are not even documented. That means officially they do not exist.

Dark figures are assumptions and speculations and so far have caused neither policy nor operators to react.

Good to know:

A lawsuit can even be made from the sofa today!

Detailed information can be found here:


In the meantime, have you contacted eBay's Classifieds Customer Service?