Ebay classified scams - First send goods, then money?


I have a little problem, namely the following:

Ebay Classifieds I have a laptop set for 150 euro, I immediately got a message from a woman who wants to have the notebook and sent, although I have actually written in the ad only of pickup.

Alright, I went into that and said that I can send then. She then said that she was a woman, had married a man in Bavaria and wants to have for her daughter in the US the notebook, so the notebook to the US to the daughter directly. Then texts came as greeting words like "God bless you, take care of yourself"

I then mentioned that shipping costs so much to USA, she agrees and wants to transfer. Bank details given by e-mail. Then comes a confirmation from a US bank with their data and my data, I should send a tracking number within 12 hours.

Today I simply wrote to her that I will only ship the goods tomorrow when the money is in the bank account.

"You can send the tracking number to US Bank tomorrow morning, 8 am, and then you can withdraw your money as fast as possible, you will definitely get your money, God bless you, take care of yourself"

I do not understand, I think:

The following applies:

get money
then send goods and not the other way around

The proof of the transfer with US Bank looks "real", but I have a strange feeling here, why should I first send my goods and then get only money. My notebook is already packed but not yet sent or prepared with package sticker.

How do I proceed? I do not feel like stress.


I do not feel like stress.

You have already made you stress. The location is totally confusing.

How do I proceed?

First of all wait and drink tea… Celebrate Christmas… Celebrate New Year's Eve… If the money is still not there, just ask there again.


Banks do not offer such service. They do not care if you send the goods or not. Such alleged bank letters are always forgeries.


There's no money


If you want to do something good for them, send the laptop - if you want to do something good for yourself - keep it, and you can celebrate Christmas with the thought- "I was not cheated"

If you go into the game, enter some number there, you will certainly see no money and probably never hear again from the "woman". But the daughter in the US - that should not exist.

Only hold coal in your hand, then you know that it works.


Then the woman just had bad luck and does not get the laptop. Should he sell it to another. If the woman should transfer the money and the laptop is already gone, simply transfer the money back.


Of course keep the goods ^^. At the end, it all seemed too funny to me.


Okay, thanks, good to know, I figured it was cheating.


Okay, I'll do it, thanks! Of course, goods are sent only when there's money. Otherwise do nothing.