Is a 800 euro or 1000 euro laptop worth it for a gamer?


I want to buy a laptop for 800 euro or 1000 euro. But I don't know if it's worth it because I want to play games on it and lots of other things


Depends on what you expect. You won't get the performance that a desktop PC does for the price. If you don't need to take a laptop with you, the PC is more worthwhile.


Look at Amazon for an Acer 17 inch laptop for 999 euro

Of course there are far better servants than the desktop version. But you can't have it all…


For 800-1000 euro you will probably only get notebooks in the lower performance class for gaming.

A PC in the same price range is of course much better.


Since you call yourself a gamer, you'd better think about a PC. A laptop that will still give you enough power in a few years to play more up-to-date games (but then sometimes with some details), you can count on double.