School transcripts laptop?


I'm doing an apprenticeship and also go to vocational school. Since after half a year I already have a lot of paper on which I have teaching materials, I wanted to contain that a little now. The impetus for me was learning from a distance, where I took notes on the laptop - instead of handwritten as before.

Now I have made up my mind to take the laptop with me in public transport when I have classroom lessons again.

However, I'm still thinking about how to organize my school supplies on the laptop so that nothing gets lost. I'm particularly concerned about backing up my data.

In the distance lesson, I already dated all of my documents in the file name and created a separate folder for each subject. I saved it on a stick - but not on the laptop itself.

Can you give me tips on what I should consider or how I can organize myself well? My biggest fear is that at some point the technology will not play along and all teaching materials will be gone. Can you give me a tip on how I can reduce my fear?


I organize my stuff with unambiguous folder names according to learning fields (for me, because I'm on the other side more like "Beruf_Lernfeld"). Then sub-folders with the consecutively numbered topics and the files in them again in chronological order.

So roughly:

Main folder: Elektroniker_LF2


01_Occupational safety
02_Ohm's law
03_ series connection


Files in the sub-folders:

02_ recess


I do data backup the old way: I make a complete copy on an external hard drive every month.

Since you probably have nothing confidential on it (I have student data with me in encrypted folders), you could also consider using an online storage device (e.g. Dropbox or something similar) that automatically backs up your files.


Thanks in advance. I once had Dropbox to back up digital photos. However, at some point Dropbox always told me that the storage was full. Then I would have to see how much material I get packed on it, but it's definitely an idea.


Yes, unfortunately they don't offer as much free space as they used to.

Google drive still has a lot of space. But that's just THE data octopus par excellence