Is it possible to write on a laptop while studying or for transcripts you need an extra ipad?


Is it possible to write on a laptop while studying or for transcripts you need an extra ipad?


Nobody has managed to type on a touch keyboard as quickly as with 10-finger-blind on the mechanical of a laptop or a pc.

but whether you manage to write fast-spoken lectures, if necessary with plenty of "professional Chinese", write loss-free, may be doubted.

that can actually only parliamentary stenographers with the classic shorthand.


What do you study?

If I wanted to do something by the way, the laptop was always great. Otherwise, a block and a pen was always the more appropriate tool.

On the laptop, just make sure that you do not get any larger than 15 '. The simply does not fit properly on the small desks in the lecture hall. 15 'is perfect for the university. Little one annoys again.


I'm planning to study civil engineering from this winter semester.
And thanks for the answer


I almost always did my transcripts on my laptop.

I had difficulties only with some formulas and diagrams / drawings, since this was a little more complicated to create in a writing program.


Yes, a tablet will not make sense. Study even electrical engineering and my tablet, which I got at the beginning of my studies, has been in the closet ever since. You will not have to write a lot and if you then draw or mathematical formulas. Since you will not enjoy the tablet