Uni application etc i need


(Attention long text) So people on 15.7 is the end of application until then I want to send my, but I do not know how exactly. I have already registered with hochschulstart.de but when I downloaded an application template I could not find it on Word let alone edit it. I actually have a wide range of general knowledge but I have to admit that I'm in the field of EDP (actually everyone has to be able to do it today ) and computer science have a gigantic knowledge gap. I'll probably watch some videos on that. Anyway, there's a hint of desperation in me, and now I'm hoping for you. Any rudimentary helpful (explanation in steps for Fachidioten would be strong) saves me. Also help, for example, how can I get my photo (biometrically?) On laptop so resume. Have it only in the form of paper


What kind of file format is the thing you downloaded?


I think on a page called xing




Why in the world do you have an application form for applying for a university start?

You have to print something out there, but these are data and forms that you have already completed online.