Is ssd the storage space?


Storage space is simply storage space. If I want to buy a laptop, where do I see how much storage space without having bought the laptop? Is it SSD for PCs and laptops?


There are SSD and HDD. SSD is faster, but also more expensive, so there are usually combinations


Yeah right.

SSD or HDD is the storage space.


All computers (cell phones are also computers) have two types of storage space:

Main memory (RAM): This is needed while the computer is processing data and forgets everything when it is turned off.
"Hard disks": They are called that because they used to be disks. They don't need electricity to keep data. SSD are a modern type of "hard drive"


To see how much storage space the laptop or PC has, you have to look at the details of the laptop on the respective website.

Because of SSD: There are two types of storage spaces (or banks). One SSD and one HDD. HDD is the somewhat slower in data transmission than SSD. That's why Windows and video games are usually loaded onto SSD (if available) because it just runs faster.


In most cases, an HDD or SSD is installed in laptops. SSHD and flash memory (eMMC) still exist. I would always look for a device with an SSD, since an SSD provides a significant speed boost compared to an HDD. The SSDs are usually smaller. If you don't need too much storage space, that's not a problem. If an HDD is installed, it is usually a 1 TB (1000 GB) hard drive. Of course, there are also devices that are more or less installed. SSDs usually start at 128 or 256 GB in the lower price range. In some cases, both an HDD and an SSD are installed, for example a combination of a 1 TB HDD and 128 GB SSD.


I saw a laptop with 1 TB SSD and 2 TB HDD, is that good?


I'll put it this way: the majority would have determined sufficient memory. I don't need 3 TB of storage space in my life. That would be a waste of money for me. I would pay more attention to the processor and the graphics card.