Notebook interference signal?


I often have packet losses on my PC (LAN connection). However, only at certain times. I could never explain when and why. In the meantime I have the feeling that my dad's notebook is sending out like an interfering signal. It's in the Wi-Fi. It is not due to an overload, because if I do something on the Internet with other devices at the same time, the packet loss does not occur. Is that possible or am I imagining it?


If your father is in the WLAN, it can certainly become overloaded, e.g. When he is watching or playing 4k videos. Then it already needs 25 Mbit / s of your available internet bandwidth. However, it is also conceivable that automatic updates will be downloaded on his device. It is interesting to see whether packet losses are also noticeable with him. It's easy to check.

Lost packets usually occur on disrupted or overloaded transmission lines. It is conceivable that your father uses his laptop especially during busy times.

The provider can easily check whether your internet connection is overloaded.

Of course, a server can also be overloaded, the provider has no influence on this. The latency for shooters shouldn't exceed approx. 50 ms, other games allow up to 100 ms. You can check this with the ping command during critical times.


Thanks for the info, I never have ping problems, it's always very good, only the packet losses cause me problems.


And could you set that on your laptop so that it is only allowed to access a certain bandwidth?


With some routers this works. Only when he can no longer do his thing will there be trouble. You have to first find out what the cause is with him.

How do you determine the packet loss, or how do you notice them?

How big is your available bandwidth? If necessary, carry out a speed test via LAN:


I've already done that. 45 Down, 15 up and 8 ping all the top, only in the evening do I often have packet losses, I have already checked this via the input request


A maximum download rate of 45 Mbit / s is not enough for two times 25 Mbit / s.