GTA IV or GTA V what works better on my laptop?


I got GTA IV and it runs at around 40 fps. Now I want to get GTA V but I don't know if it would work well on my laptop so it is worth it at all. So GTA V works just as well or better than GTA IV or worse and with how much FPS it would work.

Here is the system information:

AMD A9-9410 RADEON R5, 5 COMPUTER CORES 2C + 3G 2.90 GHz

8.00 GB RAM


Of course, older games run smoother than newer ones. This is also the case with GTA.


I had gamed on an extremely bad pc but the graphics are bad

and I had about 10 to 15 fbs it also worked but if you want better graphics you need a better pc / laptop


Yes which GTA? GTA 4 or 5?


Gta 5


Oh and how bad was your PC?


And if you buy the game you have to have at least 2 hours of play time so it can't be over it


With GTA V, Rockstar did a lot in terms of scalable in-game performance and resource use compared to GTA IV, but everything has limits, since V became noticeably more demanding compared to IV.

If you now had an AMD A10 to A12 with at least 4 compute and 6 graphics compute units, GTA V could certainly run reasonably smoothly on such a book with a greatly reduced resolution of 720p with minimal to low details, but with your APU of their only 2 compute units and 3 graphics compute units, GTA V will definitely not run.

Your AMD A9 can run a maximum of 2 threads in parallel, but for GTA V the CPU must be able to run at least 4 threads in parallel. For that reason alone, V will never be able to run usefully.

The integrated Radeon R5 (3 CUs = 192 shader units) is also clearly too weak.

Even on a modern AMD Ryzen 3-2200u including Vega 3 graphics (for notebooks), GTA V would only run reasonably smoothly at around 30 to 40 FPS in 1024 × 768 @ minimum details.

With the CPU cores, however, your A9-9410 is not even half as strong as a Ryzen 3-2200u, and the Radeon R5-3CU also lacks 20% graphics chip clock and at least 50% transmission bandwidth to RAM compared to the Ryzen3 - 2200u.

You can bend GTA V on this notebook with its AMD A9-9410.