Take a laptop with you?


I actually want to take my laptop to the hotel in Greece, but it was quite expensive and I wonder if this stuff is often stolen in hotels. Do you take your laptops to the hotel? It certainly does not fit into the safe there. Should I leave it at home?


If you do not need it urgently then leave it at home


I always take all valuables with me in my day luggage. There's nothing over 50 euro in the hotel room.


I would not take an expensive laptop> 4,000 euro. All it takes is a netbook.

Do you need that there anyway? I usually never use the safes because the thieves are intentionally going for it. Look at YouTube how easy it can open 😃

If the safe is with the management, then even more. It's a holiday, you do not need a laptop all the time.


First of all it is "the laptop", not "the laptop".

For a trip, you can buy a cheaper laptop. I'm thinking of a used model from eBay for about EUR 250, -. And then even if you are not in the room in the suitcase pack. Best a little dirty laundry on it.

Well, I do not do that with the laundry anymore - but I'm not going to Greece either.


It's sad that you can't even be on vacation without your laptop.

If it is a better piece, then leave it at home better, because during transport can break some things, and in the hotel you should not tempt people!

I do not take valuables with me on vacation. I do not have to give in the hotel.


Why is that sad? I need my laptop to prepare for school. It's not my favorite pastime, but it has to be… And it was not my plan to say haha