Take laptop without laptop bag in the aircraft cabin?


Can you just put a laptop in your pocket and take it with you to the cabin? Or you have to take a laptop bag?


Can you just put it in your pocket? In the case of security control you have to take the device out anyway and place it separately in a bowl for x-raying.


OK thanks


You can / may pack this in the backpack in the laptop bag. It does not have to be that typical bag. It is important to follow the hand luggage guidelines. 8 kilos in the rule and so around the 150cm circumference, or something like that.

However, in most terms of the airlines is not explicit that you have to have a laptop in the laptop bag. Maybe you can even lead two with or foam boards on mass, if you are particularly cross.

but in response to the question, I approve it.


So I always carry my laptop in a plastic bag (as a rain cover) in a normal backpack.