Amazon does not ask for a three-digit pin on credit card?


Just paid for the first time on Amazon with credit card and when adding I just had to enter the credit card holder and number, but not the three-digit pin or a safepay procedure go through, is this normal? (The item ordered was a laptop worth 700 euro)


That's almost everywhere.


On the contrary, the CVC is queried in almost every shop, because the payment is usually handled by a payment provider.

But it works without it - especially in companies from the US, such as Amazon.


Is it also normal that there's no money left from the account 5 minutes after the order?


Yes. As Amazon is waiting for at least an hour after every order, if you do not cancel it directly, you will not get money immediately.


OK thanks.


5 minutes after an order is never money away from the account, it takes two days for Amazon to deduct that and if they have not asked for a PIN then call Amazon and ask if everything is correct then you are on the safe side


The PIN is only required when using the card at the POS (ie in the store at the terminal), not for online payments. It's been like that forever.


Amazon does not actually require the CVC. That may be because it is a US company, where credit card payments have been completely normal for years and even the European "Sicherheitsparanoia" is not really pronounced. Since even the pizza delivery the indication of the credit card number and finished.

Even if the CVC is not specified, the credit card is a safe means of payment, as all unauthorized transactions can be reversed by you.

Most shops handle credit card payments via payment service providers. These of course want to make sure that the data is correct and they also get their money, so they validate the entries with the credit card provider - and that requires just the CVC as a security feature.


He speaks of the three-digit CVC. A card PIN would be at least four digits.


You do not need to call - you can find a lot of criticism in the internet about the fact that Amazon does not query the CVC.


Nope, he does not. There's "PIN". He may mean the CVC.


Oh, a very precise one! Yes, he means the CVC. That he can't mean the PIN, you could have noticed already because he speaks of "three digits". No card PIN is ever three digits, but at least four digits.