Inexpensive and powerful laptop for programming?


Do you know a laptop that is less than 500 euro but is good value for money? My current laptop is from 2011-2012 and it is an old heap of junk and I can hardly use Unity on it because it charges permanently, but since I have hardly any money thanks to unemployment, I would like to buy a laptop that fits my budget in the near future.

It should mainly run smoothly so that I can learn C # in peace and program and practice in Unity.


I don't know how happy you will be with a 500euro pc… I'd rather invest in something more powerful without a gpu, for example lenovo x13


Take a DELL


Are you going to be a game maker? If so, you already have a customer.


Yes, exactly, and yes, so far only interested in the artwork and the idea. My laptop is too weak to start. I'm not that far with programming either


You can even use an Amiga 500 for programming.

40 years old.

An ordinary notebook about 400 euro.