Why are visual programming languages easier than textual?


I'm sitting in front of my laptop and have to give a lecture on programming languages, I would like to know some reasons why visual programming languages are easier than textual ones. I would also like to know whether visual programming languages have drawbacks in terms of detail and areas of application.


I guess that there are already blocks (source code) behind the visual programming, which form a new code when combined with other blocks.

With the textual source code, you have to load / include the libraries, write objects and classes, etc.

Then program the whole thing into an executable source code.


These are points that are already explained in the Wikipedia article for visual programming languages.


There are no "visual" programming languages, the "visual" always only refers to the development environment (roughly speaking: to the editor used).

This "editor" not only accepts editing commands, but also commands such as "compile", "compile & run", "build" or "show me the interface of this or that method.