Buy a TV or laptop?


I have the choice between these two devices:

UHD Smart - Tv (Oled-Display) → for relaxed television, especially now useful in lockdown and good for "coming down"
Laptop for school (in grade 9) → for all video conferences and online school events, videos and films can be watched, even if not as relaxed as with a television…

Of course, having both would be great, according to my budget, but I have to choose one of the two devices…

personal well-being:

Having a laptop gives you more options, but it's more inconvenient and not as relaxing as a big screen TV


Because you can also watch TV with your laptop…


If you need a laptop for school, that's a definite thing


If I have one at home but not mine, I can occasionally borrow one


Laptop + TV (no OLED) would not be an option? Would be about as expensive as an OLED TV


I would always buy an iPad. Because 1. Handwritten notes can be made, is not as loud as a laptop, and can be taken anywhere. E.g. To the toilet


As a laptop, I would recommend a Chromebook. There you can also install Android apps via the Google Play Store. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote and Microsoft Teams are also available as Android apps.

You can also print with a Chromebook. For this you need a wireless printer. Then all you have to do is install your printer brand's printing app via the Google Play Store.

Chromebooks are also available as 2 in 1 devices. You can then remove the keyboard there and use it as a tablet.