Can the police locate in the case?


I've been called by suppressed numbers for several days at night. Meanwhile, I found out that on ebay classified someone gives away a laptop and there's my number deposited. For the sake of it, I can't imagine who it will be. That really makes me really scared. I dare not go to the police. Can the police without a big rebellion find out the numbers and who posted the ad?


How about typing the ad's advertiser and saying that the number is wrong?

What about that?


I already did that.


You have to go to the web version! Go from eBay classifieds. There's an "announce ad" button on the right side. Just click, briefly describe what your problem is and eBay will clear the ad.

Until then, you can also just block anonymous calls, dan you have your first peace.


You can set up a catch circuit at Telekom (but costs, see Google just after "Telekom Fangschaltung". Then you can use the number found out to make an ad to the police - or better (if you're under 18): Let your father call the number times and the joke cookie together ;-)

I advise you to stay cool and take it easy. Such types, who want to annoy you (and have any problems themselves), will always exist. (I think it's an ex mourning you afterwards)

And in the evening show your cellphone!