Why are German police officers so poorly equipped?


In the US, police officers have tasers and a laptop in a police car, for example.

In my opinion, the police have to put up with a lot, especially with demos you can see that very nicely.


And what use is a taser or laptop for a demo?


I also think that police officers in Germany should be better equipped, see Taser and electronics. However, "let it go" is important, I think. There are limits, of course, but generally the police should be patient and persistent.


Rubber bullets in demos must be mandatory for police officers.


It's not just about demos. Turn on the Bissl brain


And what use is a taser or laptop for a demo?


No, they don't have to turn on their brains and stop talking rubbish like that.


The demo is a good example. Like live ammunition like equipment in America? And if someone disagrees, fix it with 3 police officers immediately?


Hehe, I always have the feeling.

But look at the fat cops who run after a man (handcuffed) and

Or the professionals with their car

You have to ask yourself what went wrong. The cops we know that way are probably more of a cop. The cantonal police or the federal police are the most well-equipped.


It's about the basic equipment!

With demos there are of course things like rubber bullets, gas spray, fighting dogs, stronger armor of the equipment, etc!

The police have to crack down.


And what use is a taser or laptop for a demo?

And you are a cop? Or do you have more of your knowledge from youtube university?


No, but in the demo, for example, because of the lignite mine, demonstrators simply sat on the rails and the police had to "carry them away".


My father is the chief inspector.

Every day I get an insight into how the police are controlled from above and, above all, very many are fed up.


As long as they have to pay for it, legally or monetarily, I allow the demonstrators to do so. It would be different with riots such as In DD or L or Hamburg. But the mainstream currently sees de-escalation as a goal and the media and left-wing representatives are massively promoting this. Any conservative approach will find it difficult. But you don't need a laptop in your car or a taser.


Well, what these rubber bullets bring can be seen in France where dozens of peaceful demonstrators or people who accidentally ran past the demo were injured during the yellow-west demos and provoked the interferers even more, which is why the use there rightly led to massive criticism.

I also wish that the police sometimes intervenes more consistently in the event of violations of the law, but the German police really don't need to follow the "just as hard as it gets" tactics from France, Spain and the USA


Nope, you just have to act harder.


It is all about people who use violence against the police.

Left-wing demonstrators in particular suffer from learning resistance.

If the police showed who had the power here, namely the rule of law, these people would be small with hats.


Okay… Please don't become a cop.


I don't intend to either.

Still, it's a shame to see how this sector is neglected, just like the Bundeswehr.


Has Benno Ohnesorg seen what happens when individual policemen crack down…


The police must and should put up with a lot. The state's monopoly on violence allows police officers to intervene massively in the rights of people, including through direct coercion. Affected people can only defend themselves against these measures afterwards (often unsuccessfully). Therefore, police officers in particular should have a high inhibition threshold when it comes to such interventions. Any policeman who complains that he can't just knock people over or tasers has no business with the police. Incidentally, the argument that the police must not crack down when it matters is not a strong one. That may and is enough for them.

The comparison with the USA is laughable. A look across the pond shows us that crime is not less than in Germany, despite the higher police violence and enthusiasm, but much higher.


You apparently didn't understand anything, did you?

But you can exaggerate


You got it from Benno Ohnesorg

What century was that?


Sry, wrong address.


Who tells you that people are dearer and nicer today than they were in 1967 and there's no way that this can happen again? Especially if you would implement all of the questioner's funny ideas. What was really going on in the case of "Oury Jalloh" is also still controversial, and that was in this century.


Then I'm reassured. Of course you can find a pity what you want… Freedom of expression and such.